school, year 1996SSrat::Ss97.rat
school, year 1997SSrat::Ss98.rat
school, year 1998SSrat::bg
Background data of 8 groups from a longitudinal study on Dutch primary schoolsSSrat::example1.rat
Example 1 of rating data that can be processed further to obtain social status determinationsSSrat::example1a.rat
Example 1a of rating data with names of the raters (and assessed)SSrat::example2.rat
Example 2 of rating data with more raters than assessedSSrat::example3.rat
Example 3 of rating data with more assessors than assessedSSrat::example4.rat
Example 4 of rating data with some missing dataSSrat::example5.rat
Example 5 of rating data Newcomb and Bukowski '3-point ratings'SSrat::example6.rat
Example 6 of rating data of two groups of unequal sizeSSrat::example7.rat
Example 7 of rating data of three groups and two different rating scalesSSrat::klas2.rat
Example klas2 of rating data with names of the raters (assessed) and some missing values